Bellingham Athletic Club

Attention Water Exercisers

All Water Exercisers: Water Exercise Classes and the first day of Swim Lessons are canceled this week (Oct 29 & 30th). On Thursday, October 25th our pool heater failed. I had our repairman in immediately and he has ordered parts, they have not all arrived at this time (Saturday) they have been in doing all they can to ready the heater so when the parts come they can quickly install and get the heater running again. It does mean the pool is very cool (that is in the cold sense). We usually keep the pool at 85 degrees, right now it is about 76 and falling. I believe the soonest it will be operational is Monday and it will take at least a day to come back up to temperature. If you are a vigorous exerciser the pool feels good, but if you have arthritis, or are sensitive to cool water please call before you come in. I apologize for the problem, know that we are working hard to get it resolved as quickly as possible.